Question: Downloadable Galaxy Virtual Machine In Vmware
gravatar for H. Mei
7.8 years ago by
H. Mei20
H. Mei20 wrote:
Dear list, Within the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre, we have implemented a Galaxy VM by wrapping up the distributed version from PennState. We are also adding more easy-to-use pipelines for Genomics and Proteomics data analysis into this server at the moment. You can download the current version at: More documents can be found at: By sharing this VM, we hope to relieve you from the normal installation and configuration steps (sometimes can be difficult) if you want to run a local Galaxy instance. If you are interested in this procedure or have questions on that, we are happy to share our experience and scripts. Best regards, Leon -- Hailiang (Leon) Mei Netherlands Bioinformatics Center ( Skype: leon_mei    Mobile: +31 6 41709231
galaxy • 1.9k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.8 years ago by Haarst, Jan van10 • written 7.8 years ago by H. Mei20
gravatar for Haarst, Jan van
7.8 years ago by
Haarst, Jan van10 wrote:
The download can also be done using bittorrent, torrent is available at . This might be faster, as one of the peers is in Canada. With kind regards, Jan
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.8 years ago by Haarst, Jan van10
This is great! I haven't checked the image out, but I'm fetching the torrent now and will leave it seeding here from PSU to help out. Thanks, --nate
ADD REPLYlink written 7.8 years ago by Nate Coraor3.2k
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