Question: Share History - Error
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2.4 years ago by
areis10 wrote:


Today was my first time to present a workshop. Was about RNAseq and i used the webtool Galaxy a did the most common workflow for this type of data (Tophat-Cufflinks). I needed to share the fastq files with several students so i used the option of publish the data (public) that i had in one of my histories. I tested the workflow and everything went well... but during the class exactly on first step of retrieve data i got an error that i never saw it! The students couldnt drag the files from my history (that was previous imported to their own history) manipulate, download or even view. I dont remember the error but was something about the permissions and admin... The "funny thing" was after passing a few (long) minutes everything was fine and they could perform the workflow!

I am trying to figure out why this happened ... Is it because the internet connection? IT permissions (here in my institute we have very restrict rules using the internet, server, student computers...)? Need I to be online to perform correctly the share of history?

Another thing, one student lost the process (output files) of workflow that he did... i already read about this here in the forum so i am asking if the Galaxy is so instable. Normally i perform the workflows using command line but was a workshop for people that don know how to use linux... so thats why i used galaxy.

Beside that i think galaxy its very cool for testing with small samples and try to figure out what are the best NGS tools to use.

Best Regards, Andreia

ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.4 years ago by carlfeberhard390 • written 2.4 years ago by areis10

Would you be able to clarify if you were using a local Galaxy internal to your institution (seems most likely) or was this some other type of Galaxy? Public Galaxy instance (which URL)? Cloudman Galaxy?

ADD REPLYlink written 2.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k


I used the public Galaxy online.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.4 years ago by areis10
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2.4 years ago by
United States
carlfeberhard390 wrote:

Hi, aries

re: the history import: I believe what happened was a usability error on our side, i.e. bad/no feedback.

When your students began copying your history they would have seen a dialog box telling them that the history was being imported. It seems likely that they may have closed the dialog box by clicking outside it or by navigating away from the page. The import of the history, however, would have continued on the server side (despite an error alert/dialog) and datasets would be added to their new, imported history as fast as Galaxy could add them (several minutes possibly on the very busy main Galaxy server). When the import was finally done and all datasets were copied, the students would be able to copy them or use them in a workflow.

Ideally, the importing history would not show up in a user's history lists (the Saved Histories list or the multiple history page) until they were ready to be used. Also, some notification would be given to a user when that process was done so they wouldn't have to constantly check.

An issue on our source code repository has been added here for what you reported:

Thanks very much for the great report and thanks for your patience during the class

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by carlfeberhard390
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