In the history. It takes a long time to be analyze. So I deleted some works in the history so I can save time. But If I remove from the history, will it just remove the history or it is also remove the work (loading time) ?
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Question: question about the history panel
andri.taruna • 10 wrote:
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modified 2.5 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
2.5 years ago by
andri.taruna • 10
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
If you delete a history, all datasets within that history as also deleted. If one represents a job of loading data, that is still included, if in that same history.
The server has been a bit slower the last few days. Our team is working to address this. A good strategy is to execute your most important jobs first and allow these to process without stopping (deleting) and restarting them. Should less important jobs be queued in your account (any history), these can be permanently deleted to kill them completely and allow active queued jobs to enter the queue and execute.
If there is more to share concerning the server and/or cluster, our team will post a followup.
Thanks for your patience, Jen, Galaxy team
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