Question: how to manage tool versions in a local instance ?
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3.4 years ago by
FT0 wrote:


I read the doc about tools integration but I would like to know if there are other ways than docker to manage all the versions of a tool and its dependencies in a local instance of Galaxy ?

Perhaps a way to create a workflow by selecting a tool and specifying the version in the settings ? Something that allows the addition of a new version.

I read that different versions of a tool can be provided by the tool shed repositories, but can I create my own local tool shed repositories without publishing it ?

I am not resistant to docker, I'm just trying to find out all the existing solutions.

Thanks in advance for your support.


tool versions local • 838 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.4 years ago • written 3.4 years ago by FT0
gravatar for Bjoern Gruening
3.4 years ago by
Bjoern Gruening5.1k
Bjoern Gruening5.1k wrote:

Hi FT!

I'm not sure I understand completely your question. But you can install many different version of one tool in your Galaxy instance via the TS. During execution you can choose between the different version. You can also have a local TS which you don't need to publish (which I would not advertise, sharing and contributing to the community is one of Galaxy strength.). This all has nothing todo with Docker. Docker just makes it easier for you to distribute a Galaxy instance, but no feature is only available in Docker, all features are available in all deployment methods.



ADD COMMENTlink written 3.4 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k
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3.4 years ago by
FT0 wrote:

Hi, thanks for the answer !

I searched the option to change the tools version (on, but I saw it only on the tool shed available from "Analyze Data" . I could change the version but only if I run the tool alone.
I was not able to update a tool in a workflow. Is it possible ? Because when I changed the version of the tool I tried to edit my workflow with the new version. I thought I could drag and drop the same tool but it remained with the old version.



ADD COMMENTlink written 3.4 years ago by FT0

This is true, I think you only can pick the latest version of Tool in a workflow editor.

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k
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