Question: To Get The Gene Name From Bed File
Shibu John • 20 wrote:
How can I get the gene names for the whole exome locations ( hg18)..
chr1 58932 59892
chr1 357510 358470
chr1 610947 611907
chr1 851160 851280
chr1 855395 855608
chr1 856246 856366
chr1 860956 861196
I used the "Profile
Annotations<http:"" tool_runner?tool_id="Annotation_P" rofiler_0="">for
a set of genomic intervals".. But I am not getting proper output...
I just want the at least gene name in the fourth column for each this
chr1 58932 59892 OR4F5:ccds|CCDS30547.1
chr1 357510 358470 OR4F16:ccds|CCDS41220.1
chr1 610947 611907 OR4F16:ccds|CCDS41221.1
chr1 851160 851280 SAMD11:ccds|CCDS2.2
chr1 855395 855608 SAMD11:ccds|CCDS2.2
chr1 856246 856366 SAMD11:ccds|CCDS2.2
chr1 860956 861196 SAMD11:ccds|CCDS2.2
Can you help me to get this information from galaxy?