Question: Re: Thanks For The Answer
gravatar for Prachi Shah
12.4 years ago by
Prachi Shah20
Prachi Shah20 wrote:
Hi Anton and the galaxy group, Tests of the ENCODEdb connection on the galaxy test site as Anton suggested generates this new set of errors: URL: Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:138 in __call__ Module paste.lint:65 in lint_app Module flup.middleware.session:743 in __call__ Module paste.recursive:54 in __call__ Module paste.httpexceptions:619 in __call__ Module paste.wsgilib:112 in catch_errors_app Module galaxy.web.framework:104 in __call__ << kwargs = trans.request.params.copy() kwargs.update( map ) body = method( trans, **kwargs ) # Now figure out what we got back and try to get it to the browser in # a smart way in index << GALAXY_BUILD = params.GALAXY_BUILD or params.galaxyFreeze or 'hg17' data = datatypes.factory(ext=GALAXY_TYPE)() data.ext = GALAXY_TYPE = GALAXY_NAME>> data = datatypes.factory(ext=GALAXY_TYPE)() exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'factory' Thanks Prachi
galaxy • 737 views
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