Question: Syntax Error User-Provided Input
gravatar for danielfortin86
3.9 years ago by
United States
danielfortin86110 wrote:

I'm trying to modify a tool so that a user can type in data and pipe it from stdin (e.g. <echo "ACGTATGATGT") instead of providing it to galaxy as a fasta file. The command is included below. When I try to execute this command in galaxy I get a syntax error. However, when I view the "job command-line" and execute that outside of galaxy it functions correctly. Can anyone tell me what the problem is?


-query &lt;(echo -e "$input_seq.query2")



Fatal error: Exit code 2 ()
/nfs/seqdata/galaxy-data/job_working_directory/000/118/ line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/nfs/seqdata/galaxy-data/job_working_directory/000/118/ line 17: `PACKAGE_BASE=/opt/shed_tools/blast+/2.2.29/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus/623f727cdff1; export PACKAGE_BASE; . /opt/shed_tools/blast+/2.2.29/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus/623f727cdff1/; blastn -version > /nfs/seqdata/galaxy-data/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_118 2>&1; bash /opt/shed_tools/ -query <(echo -e "CTTCGAACCTCTGCCATCAGGACAGCCCCCAATCCCTATTATTGCCAGGTGGGGCTTGGCCCGGCCCAGTCCTGGCCTCTGCCACCAGGTGTCACCGAGGTTTCCCCAGCCAATGTTACTCTGCTCAGAG")     -db "/nfs/seqdata/blastdb/nt_nr"      -task blastn -evalue 0.001 -out "/nfs/seqdata/galaxy-data/files/000/dataset_350.dat"     -outfmt "6 std sallseqid score nident positive gaps ppos qframe sframe qseq sseq qlen slen salltitles"      -num_threads "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-8}"'

galaxy • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.9 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k • written 3.9 years ago by danielfortin86110
gravatar for Daniel Blankenberg
3.9 years ago by
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k
United States
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k wrote:

It looks like you just need to turn a Galaxy parameter into a file for command-line usage. I would suggest using configfiles for this:


    <configfile name="fasta_file">${input_seq.query2}</configfile>

Then reference the filename as ${fasta_file}

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.9 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k

That worked perfectly, thank you!

ADD REPLYlink written 3.9 years ago by danielfortin86110
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