GTF datasets are a type of tabular data. You should be able to use the tools that count up rows in a tabular/text file, or summarize by columns, without an issue. See the tool groups: Text Manipulation, Filter and Sort, and Join, Subtract and Group to start with.
If the dataset is not recognized by a tool for some reason (it only accepts 'tabular' datasets), make a copy of the dataset and change the datatype to "tabular" to work with it. The copy data function is in the History menu. To reassign datatype, click on the pencil icon for a dataset and make changes in the form that appears in the center panel.
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team
sorry but i still dont know how to do this.
i have 5 samples and i need to know how much isoforms assembled to each gene and how much genes were assembled.
i am looking at this database: cuffdiff:isoforms read group tracking
maybe this is wrong file and i need to look at another file?
i really need your help.. this is the last level in my project..
thank you very much