Question: Extracting Opossum Sequences From Ucsc Test Browser
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12.5 years ago by
Melissa Wilson20 wrote:
The opossum sequence is assembled into chromosomes in the UCSC test browser, but I am, thus far, unable to extract the nucleotide sequence that corresponds to a given chromosomal location. Previously when I went to "Get Data" at the most recent opossum assembly in the test browser it would act as if it were extracting the BED file, but there would be " # no results from query" and I could not extract the genomic sequence corresponding to my chromosomal location (chr7:32478949-32483556) in opossum. The query turned red and I received the following error message: "An error occurred running this job: <font color="yellow">BED fields are missing. Possibly no strand information is present</font>. I assume this is because no BED file was actually extracted from the table browser. Now, when I "Get Data" from the UCSC Test browser now I can't even get to the most recent opossum data in the UCSC test browser. When I try to switch from Human to Opossum I am sent to the "UCSC Table Browser" page with the statement, "This is a proxy to the data services provided by the UCSC Genome Browser's Table Browser" Is there a different way to extract the sequences corresponding to the current assembly of the opossum genome? Thank-you very much, Melissa
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