I have tried using getJSON and ajax with credentials to make API calls such as "https://usegalaxy.org/api/histories" (with my key parameter of course), but I get: "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://usegalaxy.org/api/histories?key=xxx. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS."
Is there a solution to this to allow cross-origin requests to the Galaxy system, or failing that can I get some pointers on how I can enable CORS for a local instance?
Thank you, that is useful.
I am designing an app (Android, iPhone - maybe Windows Phone) to make it possible to connect to a Galaxy instance for some basic interaction over the API. In the first instance I just want to be able to easily retrieve and view histories on a touch device, such as a smartphone, to allow the user to view jobs that are running or have completed.
I am able able to retrieve the JSON data using a Qt and C++, but using jQuery doesn't work due to the cross-origin issue. As I'm not familiar with the Galaxy sourcebase I wanted to know how easy this would be to enable, and your answer at least gives me something to investigate.
Do you know: http://usegalaxy.org/mobile ? Do you mind to contribute to this and get in touch with the developers?
Thanks for pointing that out. I would certainly be interested in taking a look to see if I can contribute, but where do I find the devs or project page?
This is part of the main Galaxy distribution, you need to get in contact with the Galaxy developers :)