Question: Problem with Galaxy-p
gravatar for lakshmikrish.friends
4.4 years ago by
lakshmikrish.friends0 wrote:

I am using DDBJ pipeline for assembly and annotation of denova transcriptome I am unable to get the assembled data from Galaxy-p how can I get the DDBJ pipeline result into Galaxy-p

My organism does not have a reference genome how can use RNA seq tool from Galaxy-p to get annotation results?




rna-seq galaxy • 979 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.4 years ago by lakshmikrish.friends0
gravatar for jmchilton
4.4 years ago by
United States
jmchilton1.1k wrote:

Not that this is helpful at all - but I think you mean P-Galaxy right? Galaxy-P is something distinct from P-Galaxy (

It is possible the P-Galaxy maintainers do not monitor this site so I might be best to contact them directly. I don't see contact details on their page anyway - you could try e-mailing the authors of one of their papers (

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.4 years ago by jmchilton1.1k
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