Question: Dataset Visivility Policy
gravatar for MORITA Hideyuki
8.9 years ago by
MORITA Hideyuki30 wrote:
Hi, In Galaxy demonstrated now, everyone can see data, if they can know URL. (e.g.**********/display/) A user can set the permission to the dataset with "edit attibutes". However, it is not effective for above-mentioned URL. I am expecting as default function that only I can see the data that I made. And, I think it is insufficient only to make it to a difficult forecast of the ID part of URL. Please tell me your policies concerning the data visibility. And, do you have the plan to implement the function that I expect it? Thanks. MORITA Hideyuki.
galaxy • 734 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.9 years ago by James Taylor320 • written 8.9 years ago by MORITA Hideyuki30
gravatar for James Taylor
8.9 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Hello, By default on the main Galaxy datasets are public. If you set the permissions by adding roles required to access the dataset this should no longer be the case. I have verified this on Galaxy main:
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.9 years ago by James Taylor320
I set the permission of a dataset in the main Galaxy again. And, I confirmed the dataset was able to be set privately as you had said. Sorry, and thank you. I was relieved to hear it. Thanks! MORITA Hideyuki.
ADD REPLYlink written 8.9 years ago by MORITA Hideyuki30
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