Question: Default Global Variables In Galaxy
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9.1 years ago by
gerrit50 wrote:
Hi there, Can anyone tell where I can find a description of the default global variables in Galaxy. From the tool examples I can gather that GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR is one but can not find documentation of any other. Thanks, Gerrit
galaxy • 810 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810 • written 9.1 years ago by gerrit50
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
9.1 years ago by
Penn State University
Greg Von Kuster810 wrote:
Hello Gerrit, See our wiki at ToolConfigSyntax - the Galaxy "reserved variables" are: REDIRECT_URL DATA_URL GALAXY_URL GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR URL Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810
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