Question: Db Migration Scripts?
gravatar for Erick Antezana
9.4 years ago by
Erick Antezana570 wrote:
Hi, is there any migration script, bundeled with Galaxy, to assist in the sqlite to mysql migration? thanks, Erick
galaxy • 510 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.4 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840 • written 9.4 years ago by Erick Antezana570
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
9.4 years ago by
Greg Von Kuster840 wrote:
Hello Erick, If you are referring to moving existing data from a sqlite db to a mysql db, then Galaxy has no built-in script to do this. You'd have to use sqlite's features for exporting the data and mysql's features for importing the data. If you simply want to change your database from sqlite to mysql, then all that is necessary is the config setting, something like: # Database connection database_connection = mysql:///greg_test?unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.4 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
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