Question: Raw Count Of Genes
Els Willems • 30 wrote:
Dear all,
I am a Phd student working on chicken genomics, with limited
experience in the bio-informatics field. I performed an RNA-Seq
experiment with single end 50 bp reads to find differential gene
expressions between different groups. I have mapped this data with
Tophat. Does anyone know how I can get the raw data count out of
galaxy in a tab-delimited file? I would like to perform a statistical
analysis in other software, without the RPKM normalization that
cufflinks offers. Thank you very much.
Have a nice day.
Yours Sincerely, Els
Ir. Els Willems
KU Leuven
Department of Biosystems
Division Livestock - Nutrition - Quality
Laboratory of Livestock Physiology
Kasteelpark Arenberg 30 bus 2456
B - 3001 Heverlee
T (+32) 016 32 17 29
F (+32) 016 32 19 94
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modified 5.6 years ago
Björn Grüning • 350
5.6 years ago by
Els Willems • 30