Question: Re: [Ticket#2013010710000031] Installation De Chipmunk Sur Genotoul
gravatar for Sarah Maman
5.9 years ago by
Sarah Maman200
Sarah Maman200 wrote:
Thanks Alban for your answer, Our admin system has tested to run ChIPMunk externally but didn't received the same error message. In fact, pretty.rb lib is found. It seems to be a difference between chiphorde version : we have run_chiphorde4.rb instead of run_chiphorde.rb Do you think that we have to install your version or thaht we just need to rename some files? Your error message when running ruby run_chiphorde4.rb is : LLIB 08 Jan 09:10:17 [ytilib] ytilib required, working directory /usr/local/bioinfo/src/ChIPMunk/chipmunk_v41_scripts LLIB 08 Jan 09:10:17 [ytilib] use_chiphorde4.rb started, usage <motif_template> <chiphorde-engine-params> LLIB 08 Jan 09:10:17 [ytilib] run_chiphorde4.rb Thanks in advance, Sarah Support a écrit :
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.9 years ago • written 5.9 years ago by Sarah Maman200
gravatar for Sarah Maman
5.9 years ago by
Sarah Maman200
Sarah Maman200 wrote:
Thanks to Marie-Stephane to have found that this error is due to a diifference of verion. Alban, could you please tell us which version (2 or 3) do you use in your Galaxy tools, in order to install this version on our cluster ? Thanks in advance, Sarah Sarah Maman a écrit :
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.9 years ago by Sarah Maman200
Hi, You have to use ChIPMunk v2 with Nebula (I don't think its compatible with the v3) ++, Alban -- Alban Lermine Unité 900: INSERM - Mines ParisTech - Institut Curie " Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology of Cancer" 11-13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie (1er étage) - 75005 Paris - France Tel: +33 (0) 1 56 24 69 84 Le 8 janv. 2013 ŕ 10:10, Sarah Maman <> a écrit :
ADD REPLYlink written 5.9 years ago by alermine40
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