Question: Git Mirror
gravatar for Luca Pireddu
6.2 years ago by
Luca Pireddu20
Luca Pireddu20 wrote:
Hello list. A simple question: is there a git mirror of the Galaxy repositories? If not, what do git users here do to work with the Galaxy code base? Thanks, -- Luca Pireddu CRS4 - Distributed Computing Group Loc. Pixina Manna Edificio 1 09010 Pula (CA), Italy Tel: +39 0709250452
galaxy • 836 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.2 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k • written 6.2 years ago by Luca Pireddu20
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6.2 years ago by
Peter Cock1.4k
European Union
Peter Cock1.4k wrote:
I don't think there is an official git mirror, but even if there was it wouldn't help for pushing changes or suggestion into Galaxy. Speaking as a git user who only has to use hg for Galaxy, I just learnt enough hg to get the basics done, and frequently consult resources like this: e Peter
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.2 years ago by Peter Cock1.4k
Similarly, I'm also a git user who's faced with the prospect of using Mercurial only for Galaxy. Sure, the two tools work in similar ways, but it's still something I'd rather avoid for a number of reasons. I noticed that BitBucket is now offering both mercurial and git access. Maybe there's an easy way projects can offer access to their repositories through both tools? A solution I'm trying at the moment is git-hg ( Seems to work...I've managed to clone the galaxy-dist repository as a local git repository. -- Luca Pireddu CRS4 - Distributed Computing Group Loc. Pixina Manna Edificio 1 09010 Pula (CA), Italy Tel: +39 0709250452
ADD REPLYlink written 6.2 years ago by Luca Pireddu20
I have been using git to track all local changes for more than a year now. I had looked into possible git-hg integration tools, but I hadn't found this git-hg tool back then. So I started using following workaround, but it doesn't track/convert upstream commit database in the git repo. A pristine copy of upstream galaxy-dist code is maintained in a branch called upstream-tracker. The mercurial database is not tracked by git, but it's present in my development env's working directory. When I want to get latest changes from upstream galaxy-dist I perform following steps: * checkout git controlled upstream-tracker branch and perform 'hg pull -u' to get latest code * commit updated code in git and record hg revision number in git- commit for reference And then to merge upstream code in our git repo: * create a new branch for merge operation starting from latest git master/develop branch * merge updated upstream-tracker branch with the merge operation branch * resolve conflicts, test the code and then merge with the master/develop branch I am going to try out this git-hg tool as well, but I am not sure how would I get my local git repository changes in this new git-hg cloned repo now. Thank you Luca for pointing out this git-hg tool. -- Shantanu
ADD REPLYlink written 6.2 years ago by Shantanu Pavgi40
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