Question: Does Galaxy Support The Ucsc Data Points Format?
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9.7 years ago by
Mikhail Spivakov10 wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm wondering if galaxy understands the UCSC data points format (for example, the one produced by exporting phastcons17way scores. All I managed to do so far is import these data into galaxy, but I couldn't find any supported operations for this format. It would be very useful, for example, if galaxy could convert these data into genomic intervals using a user-defined threshold (eg, extract regions with phastcons scores > 0.5) - but maybe it can already do it and I just don't know how? Many thanks Mikhail -- Mikhail Spivakov, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow European Molecular Biology Laboratory Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SD UK Tel +44 (0) 1223 49 26 60 Mob +44 (0) 7985 09 66 75
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