Question: Prevent Tool Escaping Input
gravatar for James Casbon
10.0 years ago by
James Casbon370
James Casbon370 wrote:
Hi, how can I prevent a tool escaping the input to a tool's text field? For example, if I put a [ in the text field, I see it in the console as __ob__ on the command line? thanks, James
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.0 years ago • written 10.0 years ago by James Casbon370
gravatar for James Casbon
10.0 years ago by
James Casbon370
James Casbon370 wrote:
I added the name of the option to NEVER_SANITIZE in galaxy.util:params A bit of a worry that user parameters can end up on the command line, eh? 2008/11/25 James Casbon <>:
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.0 years ago by James Casbon370
Yes, I agree, 'a bit of a worry', but we are in a similar situation: We are developing a tool, where the user can provide a pattern (like:"[AC]-x-V-x-x-{ED}") which will be fed into another program. And our perl wrapper just does a simple substitution: $pattern =~ s/__ob__/[/g; $pattern =~ s/__cb__/]/g; $pattern =~ s/__oc__/{/g; $pattern =~ s/__cc__/}/g; Hans
ADD REPLYlink written 10.0 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf10
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