Question: Galaxy Main Public Instance: Data And Job Quotas
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
7.1 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Galaxy Main public instance: data and job quotas October 25, 2011 Dear Galaxy User, Thank you very much for using our free and open public resource. Galaxy has become extremely popular and as a result many people rely on it daily for their analysis needs. Previously our service had no restrictions on usage, which is not sustainable in the long term. To continue providing our open service in a fair manner, we are now implementing quotas at the public Galaxy Main instance ( The Main quotas are: Data - 250Gb for registered users (with a Galaxy account) - 5Gb for unregistered users Jobs - 8 concurrent jobs running simultaneously (all users) For more details please see: Galaxy Main Wiki Data management: accounting and disk quotas Managing Datasets in Galaxy For those users with current account disk usage over the quota limit, we will be implementing a step-down program over the next several weeks. Details for that program will be emailed to those users directly. If you find that you require additional resources, please consider the alternative Galaxy options: Thanks for using Galaxy! -- The Galaxy team
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