Question: About Adding Tools
gravatar for Henrikki Almusa
10.1 years ago by
Henrikki Almusa110 wrote:
Hi, I'm looking at how to add tools to galaxy. Is there any info on what the tool.xml can have within it (dtd or documentation or something)? Another thing is the command line. Is it possible to use optional command line switches that don't have values. Eg. grep has option '-i' which means ingore case (and if not given it is case sensitive). Regards, -- Henrikki Almusa
galaxy • 691 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840 • written 10.1 years ago by Henrikki Almusa110
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
10.1 years ago by
Greg Von Kuster840 wrote:
Hello Henrikki, See our wiki at - let us know if you have questions that are not clarified in this tutorial. Sure, several tools in the Galaxy distribution have command line tags in the tool config that include command line switches. For an example, see ~/tools/filters/fileGrep.xml, which has a command line tag that looks like this: cut -f $col $input1 | grep -f - $match $input2 > $out_file1 Thanks very much, Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
I've read that. However what xml entries you can put into tool.xml? The screencast had more complex example (conditionals and params). Is there a dtd which would tell what is allowed within that xml file? Right, the $match there works like that. Thanks a lot, -- Henrikki Almusa
ADD REPLYlink written 10.1 years ago by Henrikki Almusa110
Hello Henrikki, Please see our page at and let me know if your have further questions that it does not answer. Thanks! Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD REPLYlink written 10.1 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
That seems to be just the thing I wanted. Thanks a lot. -- Henrikki Almusa
ADD REPLYlink written 10.1 years ago by Henrikki Almusa110
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