News: BioVM - a virtual machine with a pre-configured instance of Galaxy
gravatar for Vimalkumar Velayudhan
7 months ago by
Vimalkumar Velayudhan0 wrote:

A new release of BioVM is now available for download.

BioVM is a virtual machine based on Ubuntu Linux with pre-installed and pre-configured software for Bioinformatics. It includes a ready to use instance of Galaxy (v17.09) with PostgreSQL as the database system and Apache as the proxy server. Galaxy has also been configured to support Docker as a job destination.

The documentation has information on enabling and managing Galaxy in BioVM. The virtual machine can be downloaded from the project's website and the source code is available on Github under the GPL license.

Screenshot: Galaxy is accessible at http://localhost/galaxy when enabled. Main page of Galaxy

Thanks to the following resources from the Galaxy project. The information from these were used for the integration of Galaxy in BioVM.

ADD COMMENTlink written 7 months ago by Vimalkumar Velayudhan0
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