I've been trying to run cufflinks on my bam files for the last couple of house and keep getting the following tool error. Does anyone know if this is something to do with the bam files or is it an issue with galaxy? (Bam files were generated on the terminal using HISAT2 - not on galaxy).
Thanks! V
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/jetstream/scratch0/main/jobs/19882713/tool_files/cufflinks_wrapper.py", line 9, in <module>
from galaxy.datatypes.util.gff_util import parse_gff_attributes, gff_attributes_to_str
File "/cvmfs/main.galaxyproject.org/galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/util/gff_util.py", line 6, in <module>
from bx.intervals.io import GenomicInterval, GenomicIntervalReader, MissingFieldError, NiceReaderWrapper, ParseError
ImportError: No module named bx.intervals.io