Question: Trimmomatic Operation Error
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6 months ago by
audrey.mohr0 wrote:

Hi, I try to trim my sequence with trimmomatic. But I cannot understand why my options are not take account. Indeed input option and output option (check on ouTput files) are not the same. Is there an explanation? Thanks!

Input option:

1Sliding window trimming (SLIDINGWINDOW)

number of bases to average across 6

Average quality required 20

2Cut the specifed number of bases from the start of the read (HEADCROP)

Number of bases to remove from the start of the read 5

3Cut bases off the end of a read, if below a threshold quality (TRAILING)

Minimum quality required to keep a base 20

4Drop reads below a specified lenght (MINLEN)

Minimum lengh of reads to be kept 25

Output option

1Sliding window trimming (SLIDINGWINDOW)

number of bases to average across 6

Average quality required 20

2Drop reads below a specified lenght (MINLEN)

Minimum lengh of reads to be kept 20

3Drop reads below a specified lenght (MINLEN)

Minimum lengh of reads to be kept 20

4Drop reads below a specified lenght (MINLEN)

Minimum lengh of reads to be kept 25

rna-seq galaxy • 165 views
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