I tried galaxy HTseq tool on BAM file generated by HISAT2 to generated counts. I provided GTF file for both HISAT2 and HTSeq. But HTSeq gave me zero counts for all the genes. Iam not sure how to resolve this issue. Can someone help?
I tried galaxy HTseq tool on BAM file generated by HISAT2 to generated counts. I provided GTF file for both HISAT2 and HTSeq. But HTSeq gave me zero counts for all the genes. Iam not sure how to resolve this issue. Can someone help?
Double check your inputs. Specifically for this problem, start by checking that the GTF file contains gene_id and transcript_id attributes (ideally, these would be distinct values) and that the genome build the GTF is based on is not a mismatch for the genome build mapped against with HISAT2 (check the chromosome identifiers).
FAQs that explain how to do the above: https://galaxyproject.org/support/#troubleshooting
Related prior Q&A (others are in the far right, or can be searched by keyword): https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/24210/
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team