Dear Biostar members,
I have a very basic question about some fastq files I got. All what I know is that they are re-sequencing fastq files. My question is whether they are actually DNA or RNA sequences? In general, Is there a way to tell by looking into the contents? Does it matter to know this? and when we talk about hg19 or hg38 human genomes, are these merely DNA sequences?
My aim is to compare these files with a reference genome. So after I get an answer to this basic question. I will start researching on how to do the comparison using galaxy. For instance I have no idea whether I will have to compare these to the full genome or to a predefined chromosome locations. After that I would like to learn what processes and tools I need to use to achieve this goal. For example do I need to index? align? assemble reads?
So any tips that would help in understanding the issue is very much appreciated.
Best Regards, M. Tleis