Hi - I've been using Galaxy for about a week now on my own. I'm a total newcomer this world, so pardon if this is a relatively simple question that I am unable to explain well.
I am using Galaxy to analyze data from a HiSeq platform. I have sorted the data in batches down to the calls that I want it to make (no intronic mutations, no synonymous SNVs, etc).
I have kept exonic mutations as well as splice site mutations. The exonic mutations in a specific gene may be associated with 1-8 NM values. I have a list of the canonical NM values that I would like to keep/select for, and the rest I would like to get rid of. So, I am trying to query rows to keep 'splicing' and 'exonic' mutations, but then also only end up with the canonical NM value at the end. For example, a TP53 exonic mutation has 8 NM values associated with it in the same row, and I would like to keep that row, then select for one specific NM value (NM_000546), and get rid of the other values.
Does this make sense? How would I best accomplish this?
Thanks, Callan