Question: Fasta Generation From Pileup For Snp Detection
John David Osborne • 160 wrote:
I'm interested in generating a fasta file from Ilumina paired reads of
my wild type strain. I have an NCBI reference genome I can assemble
against and I have already uploaded my 2 reads (using the NCBI
reference as my genome), used fastq groomer, aligned them with bowtie
and generated my pileup.
What I think I want to do though is to extract from the pileup a
consensus fasta file (using 20 or something as a quality cutoff
threshold) and then used that as my new reference genome to align 2
mutant strains against that are from that genetic background. How can
I do that in Galaxy? I don't see any way to go from pileup to fastaq
or pileup to fasta using some sort of cutoff. I think I can use
samtools pileup2fq based on web posts (and then used something else to
make a fasta file), but I would like to do all my analysis in galaxy.
Is this possible?
Any help appreciated, I am new with Galaxy.