Question: Error while Using 'run-workflow'
gravatar for amey.damle
2.4 years ago by
amey.damle30 wrote:

Hi Everyone , I am having another problem on workflow run using the bioblend library of python for galaxy API Here is the error which i am getting , can anyone explain me how to solve this , where i am wrong ??

my code is bImportInputsToHistory = True; dataset_map = { '1': {'id': 'eaa9b06464bd346f', 'src': 'ld'}, '2': {'id': 'b2486a20bc56b90f', 'src': 'ld'}, '3': {'id': '4a56addbcc836c23', 'src': 'ld'}, '4': {'id': 'b8a0d6158b9961df', 'src': 'ld'} } param = {'blastn': {'param': 'evalue', 'value': '1e-06'} }; aResult = gi.workflows.run_workflow(sWorkFlowID, dataset_map, param, sHisitoryID, sHistoryName, bImportInputsToHistory) print (aResult)

and the error i am getting is

Traceback (most recent call last): File "lib/bioblend/", line 117, in <module> aResult = gi.workflows.run_workflow(sWorkFlowID, dataset_map, param, sHisitoryID, sHistoryName, bImportInputsToHistory) File "/var/www/WebInterface/lib/bioblend/bioblend/galaxy/workflows/", line 266, in run_workflow return Client._post(self, payload) File "/var/www/WebInterface/lib/bioblend/bioblend/galaxy/", line 171, in _post files_attached=files_attached) File "/var/www/WebInterface/lib/bioblend/bioblend/", line 131, in make_post_request r.status_code, body=r.text) bioblend.galaxy.client.ConnectionError: Unexpected response from galaxy: 400: {"err_msg": "Workflow cannot be run because an expected input step '360' has no input dataset.", "err_code": 0}

fastq workflow galaxy dataset • 721 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.4 years ago • written 2.4 years ago by amey.damle30
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
2.4 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


The error suggests that one of the inputs is missing or is in an error state. This could be an original input dataset or a dataset that is created by early workflow tools then used as input by downstream tools.

Was this the problem?

Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for amey.damle
2.4 years ago by
amey.damle30 wrote:

Hello mam , I am not able to get which input is missing. all the inputs are correct i guess , i am bit confused in dataset-map , can you help me for this. these mapping is like '1': {'id': 'eaa9b06464bd346f', 'src': 'ld'} , 1 is just index , id is dataset id and src , i don't know , i just used it.

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by amey.damle30
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