Question: Filter tabular data
gravatar for rita.rebollo
2.5 years ago by
rita.rebollo10 wrote:


very weird problem with the filter tool. Here is the beginning of my file : FBgn0012824 0 FBgn0012837 0 FBgn0012838 0 FBgn0012840 0 FBgn0012844 0 FBgn0012846 0 FBgn0012849 0 FBgn0012851 0 FBgn0012854 0

So it is a tabular file with two columns. The second column either has a 0 or something else. I am trying to filter all the lines that have a 0 at the second column so I did a filter :

Filter Group on data 17 3'UTR Mayotte
With following condition c2=='0' Number of header lines to skip 0

But the filtered file is empty. And this only happens for this specific file, all other files I have are filtered properly.

Any ideas?



software error • 482 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2.5 years ago by rita.rebollo10
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2.5 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Since the value is numerical and not an alpha-numeric mix, try this term (same as yours but without single quotes):


Other format issues could cause problems (such as extra spaces), but I am assuming that you checked for these already. If not, clean up the file with tools in the group Text manipulation: Convert delimiters to TAB, Condense consecutive characters, Cut - then try again. You can also just use "Cut" to extract the second column and examine what exactly it contains.

Hopefully this works for you! But let us know if not. Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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