Question: Error In Running Cuffcompare
gravatar for vasu punj
7.9 years ago by
vasu punj360
vasu punj360 wrote:
I get the error message run Cuff compare with Cufflinks- GTF file and Ensembl file downloaded to Galaxy. To download Ensembl file Is used following procedure: Get Data --> UCSC Main select clade/genome/assembly for group, use 'Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks' for track, use Ensembl for table, choose the default (enGene) region: genome output format: GTF The error message is:Error in cuffcompare: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/9935868.hpc-'  Begin PBS Prologue Thu Dec 23 16:29:09 PST 2010 Job ID: Username: ramjan Group: hsc-ar Name: Queue: laird Shared Access: yes Nodes: hpc2712 TMPDIR: /tmp/ End PBS Prologue Thu Dec 23 16:29:09 PST 2010 Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor). Thus no job control in this shell. Begin PBS Epilogue Thu Dec 23 16:29:21 PST 2010 Job ID: Username: ramjan Group: hsc-ar Job Name: Session: 29712 Limits: neednodes=1:ppn=8,nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=100:00:00 Resources: cput=00:00:09,mem=62512kb,vmem=288372kb,walltime=00:00:12 Queue: laird End PBS Epilogue Thu Dec 23 16:29:21 PST 2010
rna-seq cufflinks • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.9 years ago by Nate Coraor3.2k • written 7.9 years ago by vasu punj360
gravatar for Nate Coraor
7.9 years ago by
Nate Coraor3.2k
United States
Nate Coraor3.2k wrote:
Hi, Because your cuffcompare tool runs on a cluster, please ensure that $TEMP on your Galaxy server is set to a directory which is shared across the cluster. By default temporary files will be created in /tmp, and this directory is local to each system. --nate
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.9 years ago by Nate Coraor3.2k
It turns out this problem may also arise from a mismatch between the version of Cuffcompare that Galaxy expects and the version of Cuffcompare actually present on the system. Specifically, up to galaxy-central changeset 4789:d258d5bf9843, Galaxy expects Cuffcompare version 0.9.2 or lower. If you were using Cuffcompare version 0.9.3, you would get this error. As of galaxy- central changeset 4780:8273a8243639, Galaxy expects and works correctly with Cufflinks/Cuffcompare version 0.9.3 You can get this changeset by pulling directly from our in-development repository at: or by waiting for our next stable release, which should hopefully be out later this week. Thanks, J. J.
ADD REPLYlink written 7.9 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
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