Question: filter input by name regex
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2.8 years ago by
bensellak.taoufik0 wrote:

Good morning ,

first issue :

when setting multiple  format filter inside a conditional + repeat  is not working :

<param name="input" type="data" format="gz,cel,gpr,GZ,CEL,GPR" label="Select a Raw Data File.">

even if datatypes are all ready added to the registry .

 second issue :

I tried to validate a specific input name

<param name="input1" type="data" format="tabular" label="Select file containing  Datasets names." help="Load DataSets names from file">
          <validator type="regex"   message="File containaining the list should beselected">Get+\w+tsv</validator>

but the validator goes for the column names and not for the file name . is there a way of filtering just the name ?

thank you


galaxy • 786 views
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