Question: Krona and Metaphlan
gravatar for alex.biotek
2.8 years ago by
alex.biotek0 wrote:

GURU MEDITATION: #6624ebb18e37447b88a966f91e56d50c

I am trying to analize a dataset from 16s metagenomic sequencing. After the data submission I run these commands in the following order:

- FastQ Groomer

-FastQ Joiner (it was paired end)


- FastQ Trimmer


-Krona pie Chart (indicating Metaphlan as Input) apply to the output of the previous command (cd-hit-up)

and I received the error that you can find above

Thank you for any help

software error • 873 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.8 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2.8 years ago by alex.biotek0
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