News: February 2016 Galaxy News: GCC2016 Registration and Abstract Submission are Open
gravatar for Dave Clements
2.8 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:

The February 2016 Galactic News is hot off the presses. Here are some highlights:

GCC2016 early registration and abstract submission are now open.

  • Register early and save up to 40% off regular registration costs. Early bird prices start at less than $45 / day for post-docs and students.

  • Abstract submission is open as well. If you are doing work in data-intensive biology then you are strongly encourage to present your work at the conference. Oral presentations, poster presentations, and the new Visualization Showcase & Software Demos are all opportunities to share your work.

  • And, we have two new sponsors: Please welcome Lenovo and Globus Genomics to GCC2016.

And lots of new, new, new, new:

And other cool bits too:

Happy February!

Dave Clements and the Galaxy Team

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