Question: python: double free or corruption -
inspiresnehal • 20 wrote:
I am running below command in loop for multiple datasets. If I just run one time. it runs fine. But if I run 2 or more times then it gives below error:
Command is :
bowtie2 -q -x /home/sn/Galaxy/hg19/bowtie_path/base/genome -U $input | samtools view -bS -> subdir3/$output
samtools sort subdir3/$output subdir3/$output_prefix
Error is :
[bam_index_core] the alignment is not sorted (SRR1686705.4731497): 22-th chr > 8-th chr
[bam_index_build2] fail to index the BAM file.
*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (out): 0x00007fc4b03fa990 ***
This error doesn't occur if I run the same command on the command line:
Is there any parameter in the Galaxy which needs to be adjusted for the job to run for memory intensive jobs?