Question: Cufflinks output files
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3.0 years ago by
United States
contim0 wrote:

I have performed Cufflinks on a TopHat file and obtain the 5 files without any error message.

However, when I inspect the output files (i.e. Cufflinks gene expression), the column gene_id and gene_short_name

 are empty and only chromosome number and base number is given. What do I need to do to obtain a file with this additional information critical to evaluate the FPKM results?

Thank you


cufflinks • 1.5k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 3.0 years ago by contim0
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3.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Examine the reference annotation dataset being used or consider using one (GFF3 or GTF dataset).

There are specific attributes in reference annotation datasets that this tool package uses to populate these values with meaningful content. The idea is to make certain that the annotation is both an exact match for the reference genome used in the prior mapping step and that it contains those key attributes in order for the annotation to populate into the tool output. Full details here in the manual

If your genome is supported, the GTF from iGenomes can be used with the Tuxedo RNA-seq analysis tools (Tophat, Cufflinks, Cuffdiff, etc). The iGenomes genes.gtf dataset contains all of the extra attributes that enable full functionality. There are also other annotation sources depending on the genome.

Best, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Thank you, I will try. Marco

From: Jennifer Hillman Jackson on Galaxy Biostar <<>> Reply-To: "<>" <<>> Date: Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 1:02 PM To: Marco Conti <<>> Subject: [galaxy-biostar] A: Cufflinks output files

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User Jennifer Hillman Jackson<http:"" u="" 254=""/> wrote Answer: Cufflinks output files<http:"" p="" 15081="" #15091="">:


Examine the reference annotation dataset being used or consider using one (GFF3 or GTF dataset).

There are specific attributes in reference annotation datasets that this tool package uses to populate these values with meaningful content. The idea is to make certain that the annotation is both an exact match for the reference genome used in the prior mapping step and that it contains those key attributes in order for the annotation to populate into the tool output. Full details here in the manual<http:"" cufflinks="" file_formats="" index.html#gffgtf-files="">

If your genome is supported, the GTF from iGenomes<http:"" sequencing="" sequencing_software="" igenome.html=""> can be used with the Tuxedo RNA-seq analysis tools (Tophat, Cufflinks, Cuffdiff, etc). The iGenomes genes.gtf dataset contains all of the extra attributes that enable full functionality. There are also other annotation sources depending on the genome.

Best, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 3.0 years ago by contim0
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