Question: Tarcking ID in cuffnorm output and TestID (geneID) in cuffdiff output, are they the same?
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3.3 years ago by
United States
yonexhalaolv0 wrote:

Dear all,

I found in the output of cuffnorm there was no locus information corresponding to my de novo assembly, whereas in the output of cuffdiff, there was a column telling the loci of differentially expressed genes so that I can map the loci with the BLAST output. 

The reason I did both was because in cuffdiff output there was no count for a certain gene in a replicate.  I found the tracking ID in cuffnorm output looked like the test ID in cuffdiff. Are they the same? If so, I can extract the differentially expressed gene from cuffdiff then filter the table of cuffnorm. Otherwise, how could I use the tracking ID in cuffnorm?

rna-seq galaxy cuffdiff • 2.0k views
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