Hi! I have a problem, I have found on the Published Histories a dataset that I need for my assignment and I select all the files within that History and import them into my current history, they all process normal and without errors and the file hg19.fasta is there in fasta format, but when I try to use some GATK tools such as Indel Realigner it says that there isn't any fasta dataset available on my history, why can't I use it? Why does this happens? Some colleagues of mine have the same problem. Can I please have some advise?
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Question: Import .fasta dataset to NGS: GATK
regina.casanova.90 • 0 wrote:
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modified 3.3 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
3.4 years ago by
regina.casanova.90 • 0
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
Please see section 2.10 of the Galaxy support wiki: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Support
My guess is that the datatype "fasta" has not been assigned. The wiki above explains how to do that.
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team
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