I am trying to do peak calling of paired-end sequences using MACS2 in Galaxy. The Filter SAM files shows the Error message: [bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated. [samopen] no @SQ lines in the header. [sam_read1] missing header? Abort!
subsequently, the following peak calling files are paused and do not run further.
48: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (peaks: bed)
49: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (html report)
50: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (peaks: xls)
51: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (peaks: encodePeak)
52: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (peaks: interval)
53: MACS2: callpeak on data 47 and data 45 (negative peaks: interval)
Please help me to fix this problem