Do you have HT-seq and edgeR tools installed in Galaxy. If I want to get one, is it possible to get one.
Do you have HT-seq and edgeR tools installed in Galaxy. If I want to get one, is it possible to get one.
There are tools written by community that might be useful to you:
None of them is installed on Main though. You can install them on your own Galaxy ( or see whether some other public Galaxy has them:
Unfortunately neither of the two edgeR tools in Martin's list will install automatically through your local production Galaxy admin interface so you will need to install them locally manually and then they will use the system installations of the edgeR packages breaking tool dependency chain reproducibility if the system administrator upgrades the system R/BioC installation without warning. It happens!
There are two packages in the test toolshed which install automatically to control their own tool dependency chains and work together pretty well - you get optional voom and deseq2 results to compare when you run the differential analysis. The htseq tool takes any number of bam files to produce a count matrix containing multiple samples and the edgeR tool takes those count matrixes and allows you to specify contrasts between any two arbitrary groups of samples, optionally adding a second GLM level if you need it (eg to model pairing between samples from the same animal):
There's a tutorial showing how those two tools work together in sections 4 and 5 of and you may be able to try them out at - understand that your work will be volatile there.