Learning about Galaxy
There are many approaches to learning how to use Galaxy. The most popular is probably to just dive in and use it. Galaxy is simple enough to use that you can do many analyses just by exploring the interface. However, you may miss much of the power this way.
Below are some highlights from the full Galaxy Project wiki with learning and support help:
Galaxy 101
Walking through the Galaxy 101 exercises will teach you the ins and outs of using Galaxy. This includes loading data, working with genome builds, navigating the tool interface, performing data manipulations like filtering and sorting, plus learning how to combine datasets, generate statistics, and share your work.
For the big picture, visit the Galaxy NGS 101 wiki.
Learn even more about Galaxy by watching our videos that demonstrate the many aspects of Galaxy. These cover basic features to full-blown complex analysis to cloud and administrative guides.
Watch the latest videos at Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/galaxyproject