Question: New Select Random Lines Tool Available On Test
gravatar for Kanwei Li
8.6 years ago by
Kanwei Li270
Kanwei Li270 wrote:
Dear users, I have created a new tool to randomly extract random lines from a dataset as some of you have requested it. It is now available in the repository and on our public test instance under "Text Manipulation". Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Kanwei
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.6 years ago by Ian Donaldson120 • written 8.6 years ago by Kanwei Li270
gravatar for Ian Donaldson
8.6 years ago by
Ian Donaldson120
Ian Donaldson120 wrote:
This is very good news, very useful! As an encore can you make a version of the 'Fetch closest feature' tool that includes an option to return overlapping features. The current version is misleading as it actually returns the closest *non-overlapping* features. One utility of the change would allow the identification of the closest gene to a ChIP-seq/chip peak. Currently extra effort is required to get the midpoint or summit of a peak to compare against the start and end of selected transcripts. Many thanks to you and the Galaxy team! Ian Quoting Kanwei Li <>:
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.6 years ago by Ian Donaldson120
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