Question: Suggestion
gravatar for Kateryna Makova
12.5 years ago by
Kateryna Makova10 wrote:
Is it possible to have an option of displaying results in a separate window? This would be helpful for some of the things we are doing... Thanks, K. ************************** Kateryna Makova Assistant Professor Department of Biology Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics 518A Mueller Lab Penn State University University Park, PA 16802 E-mail: Tel: (814)863-1619 Fax: (814)865-9131
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.5 years ago by James Taylor320 • written 12.5 years ago by Kateryna Makova10
gravatar for James Taylor
12.5 years ago by
James Taylor320
United States
James Taylor320 wrote:
Kateryna, This may be a feature that is better handled by your web browser. For example, in Safari and Firefox "command+click"ing the display link will open the results in a new window. Thanks, James
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.5 years ago by James Taylor320
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