Hi Bjoern,
I am trying to install GATK2 on my instance of Galaxy. I have installed binaries, then wrappers you developed.
During first phase of testing, tools were complaining about JAVA_VAR_PATH being not properly set. I hard coded it in the .bashrc of my galaxyuser. I am not sure it is the best practice but at least tools seems to work.
To test the installation, I ran ReduceReads. I got an error message about the fact that it was deprecated
##### ERROR MESSAGE: Walker ReduceReads is no longer available in the GATK; it has been deprecated since version 3.0 (use recommended best practices pipeline with the HaplotypeCaller)
I was wondering what was the rational of having this wrapper around (backward reproducibility?). I guess I am doing something wrong...any thoughts.
Thanks for the great work,
Hi Philip,
you need to use GATK2.8, sorry. Our wrappers only support 2.8 at the moment. The license is somehow strange from GATK so we are not allowed to ship the JAR file and install GATK for you. You need to get this file and place it somewhere on your host. In a next step you should edit the file "$GALAXY_TOOL_PATH"/environment_settings/GATK2_PATH/iuc/gatk2/some_number/env.sh file and point to your JAR file location.
Hope this get's you started otherwise drop me a mail,
Hi Bjorn,
Thanks for the help. I have installed version 2.8
galaxydev@galaxy-compute$ java -jar "$GATK2_PATH/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar" --version 2.8-1-g932cd3a
I still get the same error in Galaxy about deprecation
##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##### ERROR A USER ERROR has occurred (version 3.3-0-g37228af): ##### ERROR ##### ERROR This means that one or more arguments or inputs in your command are incorrect. ##### ERROR The error message below tells you what is the problem. ##### ERROR ##### ERROR If the problem is an invalid argument, please check the online documentation guide ##### ERROR (or rerun your command with --help) to view allowable command-line arguments for this tool. ##### ERROR ##### ERROR Visit our website and forum for extensive documentation and answers to ##### ERROR commonly asked questions http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk ##### ERROR ##### ERROR Please do NOT post this error to the GATK forum unless you have really tried to fix it yourself. ##### ERROR ##### ERROR MESSAGE: Walker ReduceReads is no longer available in the GATK; it has been deprecated since version 3.0 (use recommended best practices pipeline with the HaplotypeCaller) ##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The weird thing is that the error says that the version use is 3.3.0 when I am sure that the 2.8.1 is used. When I copy the command line executed by galaxy and execute it in the shell, it shows no error and execution seems to be fine.
galaxydev@galaxy-compute:/data/home/mon13m$ python /data/galaxyTools/shed_tools_dev/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/gatk2/84584664264c/gatk2/gatk2_wrapper.py --stdout "/data/galaxyTools/galaxydev/database/files/009/dataset_9700.dat" -d "-I" "/data/galaxyTools/galaxydev/database/files/009/dataset_9685.dat" "bam" "gatk_input" -d "" "/data/galaxyTools/galaxydev/database/files/_metadata_files/000/metadata_123.dat" "bam_index" "gatk_input" -p ' java -jar "$GATK2_PATH/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar" -T "ReduceReads" -o "/data/galaxyTools/galaxydev/database/files/009/dataset_9699.dat" $GATK2_SITE_OPTIONS --num_cpu_threads_per_data_thread 1 --disable_bam_indexing ' -d "-R" "/data/galaxyTools/galaxydev/database/files/009/dataset_9623.dat" "fasta" "gatk_input"
I am a bit lost here, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Have you changed your env.sh file to point to the new (old) 2.8 version? Galaxy picks up the wrong GATK version and this is usually defined in your env.sh file.
I can't believe missed that. I owe a beer, are you coming to GCC2015, if so I will see you there. Do you have any workflows that you use to test the installation ? I am still having problem to make genome references available but everything else seems to be working fine. Thanks for all the help.
Hi Bjorn
I'm not sure whether you are aware of this but GATK2 doesn't automatically create the fasta index file and the picard index doc file like the old gatk-1.4 did.
I'm wondering if you can modify the wrapper to create these files on the fly. I guess it would require the addition of either dependencies or binaries within the GATK2 package. (I guess the alternative would be to remove the history option from the "Choose the source for the reference" - but that would make me sad).
The issue is that if I want to bring my own fasta file as a reference and then use GATK2 tools I can select my fasta in the "Choose the source for the reference" menu item but the tool will always fail.
I run a public galaxy instance (galaxy-qld) and users coming with unsupported genomes are begging me for a fix (things like H37Rv TB genome for example). I understand when you run your own galaxy you can easily add a loc file but its just not possible for us to do this.
BTW please to hesitate to let me know if I'm mistaken about the above. :-)
Kind regards
Derek Benson
Hi Derek,
we have a few tests in our wrappers that works with FASTA input. Can you tell me exactly which tools your are referring to?
The wrapper are hosted here: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/gatk2
Uhh, this is a pretty old version. Can you update them? This tool has a test case, so I think this worked before with a fasta file as reference https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/blob/master/tools/gatk2/indel_realigner.xml