Question: Fastq Joiner
gravatar for lilach noy
5.2 years ago by
lilach noy100
lilach noy100 wrote:
Hi all, Has anyone used FASTQ joiner with a file containing multi-mapped reads? I'm pretty sure i have reads mapped to several locations and i don't know what this tool does with it? will it locate the right map according to the paired read? will it use the first read location and ignore the rest or maybe it will exclude all multi-mapped reads prior to paring? Regards, Lilach
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.7 years ago by ajmaninisha30 • written 5.2 years ago by lilach noy100
gravatar for Anton Nekrutenko
5.2 years ago by
United States
Anton Nekrutenko20 wrote:
Lilach: This tool works on unaligned reads in fastq format before they are mapped. It is useful for merging mates together into a single read for QC processing, filtering, and trimming. Thanks! anton
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.2 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko20
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