Question: Counts Of Mapped Reads For Each Gene?
gravatar for Yan He
5.3 years ago by
Yan He240
Yan He240 wrote:
Hi Jen and other galaxy-users, I am analyzing our RNA-seq data. First, I mapped the RNA-seq data to the reference genome. I am wondering if there is a tool that could count the number of reads that mapped to each gene. That's important information for my subsequent analysis. Any reply is highly appreciated! Thanks, Yan
galaxy • 3.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.3 years ago by Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani80 • written 5.3 years ago by Yan He240
gravatar for Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani
5.3 years ago by
Hi Yan, You may use the HTseq count wrapper in the It does a good job and I could employ edgeR on that count matrix. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.3 years ago by Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani80
Hi Anto, Thank you very much for your reply! I tried Galaxy/NBIC. However, I had problem with uploading my files. I used FTP, because the file I had was larger than 2G, but I couldn’t connect to the NBIC FTP. Do you have some idea how to solve the problem? Thanks! Yan 发件人: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani [] 发送时间: Thursday, August 22, 2013 3:14 PM 收件人: Yan He; 主题: RE: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Yan, You may use the HTseq count wrapper in the It does a good job and I could employ edgeR on that count matrix. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Yan He240
Hi Yan, I also had problems with NBIC FTP. NBIC allows only 10 GB space for user. I made my BAM files in main server (using Tophat2) and then uploaded them to NBIC using their download URLs. It was fast. It took me less than a hour to move 16 BAM files (around 9.5 GB). You may try this. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto ________________________________ To: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani; Subject: 答复: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Anto, Thank you very much for your reply! I tried Galaxy/NBIC. However, I had problem with uploading my files. I used FTP, because the file I had was larger than 2G, but I couldn’t connect to the NBIC FTP. Do you have some idea how to solve the problem? Thanks! Yan 发件人: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani [] 发送时间: Thursday, August 22, 2013 3:14 PM 收件人: Yan He; 主题: RE: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Yan, You may use the HTseq count wrapper in the It does a good job and I could employ edgeR on that count matrix. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani80
Hi Anto, Thanks so much! I will try. Best wishes, Yan 发件人: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani [] 发送时间: Thursday, August 22, 2013 3:57 PM 收件人: Yan He; 主题: RE: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Yan, I also had problems with NBIC FTP. NBIC allows only 10 GB space for user. I made my BAM files in main server (using Tophat2) and then uploaded them to NBIC using their download URLs. It was fast. It took me less than a hour to move 16 BAM files (around 9.5 GB). You may try this. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto _____ To: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani; Subject: 答复: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Anto, Thank you very much for your reply! I tried Galaxy/NBIC. However, I had problem with uploading my files. I used FTP, because the file I had was larger than 2G, but I couldn’t connect to the NBIC FTP. Do you have some idea how to solve the problem? Thanks! Yan 发件人: Anto Praveen Rajkumar Rajamani [] 发送时间: Thursday, August 22, 2013 3:14 PM 收件人: Yan He; 主题: RE: [galaxy-user] Counts of mapped reads for each gene? Hi Yan, You may use the HTseq count wrapper in the It does a good job and I could employ edgeR on that count matrix. Good luck. Best wishes, Anto
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Yan He240
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5.3 years ago by
fubar1.1k wrote:
Hi, Yan The htseq_bams_to_count_matrix tool in the test toolshed might be worth a try - it creates tabular count matrices from any number of individual sample bam/sam files (it is NOT read group aware!). Each row contains the count for that contig for each sample. It uses HTSeq code and you supply your favourite gene model as a GTF file for defining the regions to count and how to amalgamate - eg count reads overlapping exons and sum those into total counts for each gene. Please give it a try. Install from the admin interface and let me know how you get on. There's a companion tool differential_count_models also in the test toolshed that includes edgeR, DESeq2 and VOOM from Bioconductor - it runs 1 or 2 way GLMs using the count matrices generated by the htseq tool - be warned that it takes a long time to install everything so be patient and allow 20 minutes or so for the installation to finish because it compiles and installs R 3.0.1 and Bioconductor packages. Suggestions for improvement or bug reports always welcomed. Good luck.
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.3 years ago by fubar1.1k
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