Question: Using Bwa To Map Without Any Mismathces
Daniel Sher • 40 wrote:
We have a sample containing several bacterial species and we want to
uniquely map RNA-seq reads to the genomes of each of our organisms to
get the expression patterns of each organism separately. We tried to
use BWA in Galaxy with the edit distance (aln -n in the command
line version) set to 0 but none of the reads were mapped (all had the
SAM tag set to 4). This is an artifact since running BLAST with
some of the sequences showed that they have 100% identity to one of
our genomes and not any others, so they should map uniquely.
When running BWA with the number of mismatches set to between 1-5 >90%
of our reads were mapped, and the number of mapped reads increased
with the mismatch number so that seems to be working OK.
Does the "aln -n" option really determine the number of mismatches?
Any ideas why BWA will not run well in Galaxy using n=0?
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modified 5.7 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
5.7 years ago by
Daniel Sher • 40