Question: Re: Nebula Suite / _Chiphorde.Log Not Found
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5.9 years ago by
alermine40 wrote:
Hi Sarah, It seems that Chipmunk is not well executed (reason why it can't found the log file). I think that there's some ruby libraries missing. Please try to run ChIPMunk externally this way: ruby /path/to/ChIPMunk/run_chiphorde.rb If you receive this kind of error message, it means that it missed one library to work: ChIPMunk/ytilib/hack1.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- rexml/formatters/pretty (LoadError) from /galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool- data/shared/jars/ChIPMunk/ytilib/hack1.rb:1 from /galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool- data/shared/jars/ChIPMunk/ytilib/ytilib.rb:44:in `require' from /galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool- data/shared/jars/ChIPMunk/ytilib/ytilib.rb:44 from /galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool- data/shared/jars/ChIPMunk/run_chiphorde.rb:3:in `require' from /galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool- data/shared/jars/ChIPMunk/run_chiphorde.rb:3 I already had the problem and the missing library was this one: http://www.ruby- Tell me if it works.. ++, Alban -- Alban Lermine Unité 900: INSERM - Mines ParisTech - Institut Curie " Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology of Cancer" 11-13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie (1er étage) - 75005 Paris - France Tel: +33 (0) 1 56 24 69 84 Le 7 janv. 2013 ŕ 17:13, Sarah Maman <> a écrit :
galaxy • 655 views
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