Question: Chip-Seq Exercise
gravatar for Joshua Udall
6.7 years ago by
Joshua Udall20
Joshua Udall20 wrote:
Does anyone know what happened to the chip-seq exercise by James? It was part of a collection here: and it was linked here: But is it 'Not Found'. It was a very useful exercise. Will it be back soon? Josh
chip-seq • 867 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.7 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k • written 6.7 years ago by Joshua Udall20
gravatar for Daniel Blankenberg
6.7 years ago by
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k
United States
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k wrote:
Hi Josh, Thank you for reporting this issue, it has been resolved. Please let us know if you encounter additional problems in the future. Thanks for using Galaxy, Dan
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.7 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k
Hi Dan - I agree this tutorial is very helpful. In running through this exercise recently, however, I noticed a few very small things that could help improve this already excellent tutorial for new users: 1) you may want to explicitly tell people to create an account first if they haven't so they can do the workflow parts without having to create and account in midstream. 2) change "reads have been reduced to those mapping to chr9" to "reads have been reduced to those mapping to chr19" --> fix typo 3) change "Click the 'import this dataset' button above to add this dataset" to ""Click the green circle with a + to the right of 'import this dataset' button above to add this dataset" --> make the location of the import button more explicit 4) change "to your analysis history to being the analysis" to "to your analysis history to begin the analysis" --> fix typo 5) change "You will need to change the reference genome build you are mapping against to "mm9"" to You will need to change the reference genome build you are mapping against to "Mouse (Mus musculus): mm9 Full" --> make instructions about which version of mm9 to use more explicit 6) change "Select your previous CTCF dataset for ChIP-seq tag file" to "Set your tag size to the same value as before and select your previous CTCF dataset" --> add reminder to set tag size again Best regards, Casey
ADD REPLYlink written 6.7 years ago by Casey Bergman40
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