Question: Incorrect Permissions When Uploading Files
gravatar for James Vincent
6.7 years ago by
James Vincent40 wrote:
Hello, I think there is a problem with the way permissions are set when uploading files. As admin, when I add new files to a library by file path upload, I select just one specific role which is a group of people (at the bottom of the upload page). There are several different roles available, as well as single users. When I select the single role, it gets highlighted as expected in the drop down list and I click Upload to library. After upload is complete I find that the Access permissions always include me as a single user in addition to the role I actually selected during upload. This causes access to be denied to the role (the group) because there is now a personal role associated with the library. Is this a bug? How can I really get just a single role associated to Access permissions on upload? Thanks, Jim
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.7 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810 • written 6.7 years ago by James Vincent40
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6.7 years ago by
Penn State University
Greg Von Kuster810 wrote:
Hi Jim, This behavior is likely due to permissions that are combined / derived / inherited to the location of the data library at which you are uploading, although it is not possible to be definite without more information about the permissions you have set at the library, folder, etc. Galaxy will ensure that the dataset is accessible to at least 1 user, so association access to a private role and then attempting to provide more open access with a public / group role at a lower level in the library hierarchy could be problematic. Check our Data Library security wiki if you haven't seen it yet - Hopefully it will clarify why you're seeing this. If not, you'll have to let me know the permissions at all levels of your library in order for me to be able to help. Thanks, Greg Von Kuster
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.7 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810
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